Chi vende cerca di forzare la resistenza del compratore. Chi dona ha il diritto di attendere che si venga a lui... ( G. Thibon )
… Only that the one who spoke these words was not the pope
… “every confession has its wealth, its traditions to give, to share”
… In confirmation of what Pope Francis means by evangelization has come this response of his during the press conference
… First distinction: evangelizing does not mean proselytism
… But we are not very enthusiastic about making conversions right away. If they come, they wait…, your tradition…
… but one who is an atheist? What should I say to change him, to convert him?
… The last thing you should do is to say something
… Peace begins to fall apart in this field when proselytism begins
… È il Papa che monsignor Longhi incontrava di notte nella cappella della casa di montagna inginocchiato per ore sugli scomodi banchi di legno davanti al Tabernacolo
… Pregò a lungo, anche sulla tomba di Pietro. Chiese a Gesù di aiutarlo a decidere se scrivere o no la lettera e di dargli a tal fine un segno
… Il pria alors longuement, jusque sur la tombe de Pierre, avant de demander à Jésus de l’aider à décider s’il devait écrire cette lettre ou pas et de lui envoyer un signe
… He prayed for a long time, including at the tomb of Peter. He asked Jesus to help him decide whether or not to write the letter, and to give him a sign
Che cos’è l’aborto?